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Sanjeevani Path Labs

+91- 9717 311 099, 9868 358 187, 011-45794850 +91- 9717 311 099, 9868 358 187, 011-45794850

BMD Dexa Scan

BMD/Dexa Scan

A process whereby the bone is exposed to two distinct energies of x-rays to determine the amount of calcium and other minerals present. A BMD scan, which is frequently performed on the lower spine, hip, lower arm, wrist, fingers, and heel, reveals the density and strength of a bone. It is used to identify osteoporosis, a disorder marked by low bone density, to assess how effectively treatment for osteoporosis is working, and to forecast the likelihood that bones may shatter. The fat and muscle composition in particular body regions, such as the arms, legs, and pelvis, is also measured by a BMD scan. Also known as Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry, Bone Densitometry, Bone Mineral Density scan, and DEXA.